Testo descrittivo della sezione
Contenuto livello 3
Septal Cartilage
Inferior turbinate
Inf. nasal meatus
Nasal spine
Maxillary bone
Superior longitudianl muscle
Genioglossus muscle
Sublingual gland
Mylohyoid muscle
Mandible (body)
Inferior alveolar nerve
Buccinator muscle
Alveolare process of the maxillary bone
Maxillary sinus
Zygomatinc process of the maxillary bone
Infraorbital nerve and artery
Frontal process of the maxillary bone
Contenuto livello 4
Lacrimal sac
Nasal bone
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Middle turbinate
Septal Cartilage
Inferior turbinate
Inferior nasal meatus
Nasal crest of maxilla
Palatine process of maxilla
Superior longitudianl muscle
Genioglossus muscle
Mylohyoid muscle
Mandible (body)
Inferior alveolar nerve
Facial artery
Risorius muscle
Buccinator muscle
Alveolare process of the maxillary bone
Bichat’s fat pad
Masserter muscle
Maxillary sinus
Zygomatic bone
Orbicularis oculi muscle
Lower eyelid
Upper eyelid
Contenuto livello 5
Frontal bone
Cribriform plate
Frontal sinus infundibulum
Olfactory niche
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
Ethomid cells
Middle nasal turbinate
Middle nasal meatus
Quadrangular cartilage
Inferior nasal turbinate
Inferior nasal meatus
Nasal crest of the maxillary bone
Palatine process of the maxillary bone
Sup. longitudinal muscle
Genioglossus muscle
Hyoglossus muscle
Lingual vein
Lingual artery
Facial artery
Mandible (body)
Inferior alveolar nerve
Alveolare process of the maxillary sinus
Buccinator muscle
Bichat’s fat pad
Masseter muscle
Temporalis muscle
Maxillary sinus
Infraorbital nerve
Zygomatic bone
Inferior ophtalmic vein
Supra-trochlear pedicle
Frontal sinus
Contenuto livello 6
Medial orbital gyrus
Etmoid suprabulla air cells
Crista galli
Bulla ethmoidalis
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid sinus
Maxillary sinus
Middle nasal concha
Nasal fossa
Soft palate
Medial pterygoid muscle
Lingual artery
Transverse muscle of the tongue
Facial vein
Mandible (body)
Inferior alveolar nerve
Masseter muscle
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Zygomatic bone
Temporal muscle
Inferior oftalmic vein
Inferior rectus muscle
Medial rectus muscle
Superior ophtalmic vein
Superior rectus muscle
Levator palpebrae muscle
Middle frontal gyrus
Anterior orbital gyrus
Frontal bone
Contenuto livello 7
Olfactory sulcus
Ethmoid cells
Sphenoethmoidal recess
Ethmoid bone
Sphenoid rostrum
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Medial ptarygoid plate
Levator veli palatini muscle
Medial pterygoid muscle
Maxillary artery
Lingual artery
Hyoid bone
Cervical vertebra III
Longus colli muscle
Facial vein
Mandible (ramus)
Masseter muscle
Zygomatic bone
Infraorbital nerve
Inferior rectus muscle
Inferior oftalmic vein
Medial rectus muscle
Lateral rectus muscle
Superior oblique muscle
Superir ophtalmic vein
Superior rectus muscle
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
Temporalis muscle
Medial orbital gyrus
Frontal bone
Inferior frontal gyrus
Contenuto Livello 8
Middle cerebral artery
Internal carotid artery (parasellar tract)
Sellar niche
Internal carotid artery
Occipital bone
Cervical vertebra I
Cervical vertebra II (dens)
Internal jugular vein
Exteral carotid artery
Maxillary artery
Superficial temporal artery and vein
Mandible (condyle)
Middle temporal gyrus
Superior temporal gyrus
Temporal bone
Temporal muscle
Parietal bone
Superior longitudinal fasciculus (parietal lobe)